Top Women Agile Thought Leaders
Top Women Agile Thought Leaders

I was so very happy when my dear friend and agile coach colleague, Kris Blake, let me know that I was listed in agilescout’s “Top Women in Agile Thought Leadership.”  What’s most exciting about this is the company I keep.  The “big hitters” are on the list – Esther Derby, Johanna Rothman, Deborah Hartmann Preuss, Diana Larsen, Mary Poppendieck, Jean Tabaka, many more – the women I have learned much from and who are the bedrock of the agile community.  The best part are the few names I didn’t know and the “new kids on the block” that I do know – Angela Harms, Karen Greaves, Donna Reed, Ellen Grove.  Welcome, ladies!  You are in my agile coaching tribe and I am very happy to see you take your rightful places as thought leaders.   Read what these women write — it’s worth it.

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About the Author: lyssaadkins

I believe that Agile is a brilliant, emergent response to help us thrive in our ever-increasingly complex, changeable and interconnected world. My current focus is coaching Leadership Teams to take up the Agile transformation that is theirs to do -- on both a personal and group level. For many years I have been a passionate contributor to the discipline and profession of Agile Coaching and have trained many thousands of agilists in the knowledge, skills, and mindsets needed to coach teams and organizations to get full benefits of Agile. In 2010, I authored Coaching Agile Teams which has sold 75,000+ and been translated into 10 languages.